Final drive to Sydney. Notice the train on the back of a truck - bit unclear as I was driving at the time - -but I truly think that this reflect on the strategy and policy of the old government in NSW towards public transport..!! And I arrive outside my place in Sydney - and my two babies get to see each other for the first time..!! This is the last post of my journey, and I have travelled 7,733 kms over four weeks..!! Many thanks to you all for sharing my travels and silly comments. To all those I have left behind in Northern Territory, I miss and love you all..!! To those who I have met along the way, many thanks for your kindness, thoughtfulness, and friendship, and to those I am returning to, nice to be back..!!!!!!!
Tamworth is quite an interesting town in New South Wales and the centre of the country music industry..!! Hence the "Golden Guitar"..!! Quite a lovely town. My thanks to Peter and Sandy for their wonderful hospitality at "The Retreat" B&B - would highly recommend, if you are going that way, stay with these folks. Most beautiful dinner, thanks Sandy, beautiful breakfast (with delightfully cooked eggs, Sandy, thanks), and a truly lovely room..!! On to Sydney..!!
The little road I talked about - was really cute..!! Who said there was no water in central Queenland, have a look at the flow through St. George - the Church was very cute too..!! On to Goondiwindi - while approaching Goondiwindi I had a call from the B&B in Tamworth telling me that I didn't have a room for the following night and could I drive straight through to Tamworth as originally planned - 11 hours drive on Monday..!!
You all know that sometimes in life you have to make a left turn rather than going straight ahead despite advice, a bit like being a Christian really, but that is what happened in Mitchell..!! Against the advice of my GPS system which was going to take me via the main roads, I turned off and went on a minor road to St. George and, while saving over 100 kms, I came across the most amazing memorial..!! Have a read - it is really interesting.. Also, the little road was so scenic and well worth making a difficult decision..!!
Charleville, what a strange little town - found it hard to get things to take photos of..!! So the local kangaroo and war memorial was the highlights..!! Onward (as in downwards..!!)..!!
More and more towns which I have never heard of..!! In Blackall, I wasn't sure of the sheep thing..!! So stayed away from it..!! I thought Seymours was a great store with all the things they sold and I wondered if luggage was really beside lingerie..!! Might be interesting, what you think..? I wonder what teh person who put Jericho there was thinking at the time..!! hehe Maybe that was his name....!! And Augathella the meat ant centre..!!! What on earth..!! :-)