Monday, February 28, 2011

Well, things are hotting up here (not literally) but starting to really plan this trip. Brought golf clubs up with me (most important), and just bought sleeping bag, map (as if I need it), lamp, car fridge, mozzie and fly spray, and a bush chair.!!! All I really need other than a few clothes...!! Will be packing early next week and packing the car on Tuesday/Wednesday. If anyone knows anyone on route who could do with a visit from a strange, but sort of funny Irishman, let me know. iPhone all set up with Bluetooth, and music so I will be contactable most of the time. Will be blogging most evenings - bit of discipline will be good..!!!! Please donate to the cause, it would be truly appreciated...... Bye for now and will post again prior to my departure for Kakadu...!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guess what..? You can donate already at the following address:

Again to all those who donate, be it a dollar or a million, many, many thanks...!!!!!

Cheers, Des

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The planning of the adventure.....

Well, it is early February, and it looks like I will be driving from Darwin to Sydney earlier than expected.

I am keen to get sponsorship for charity - it is about 4,500 klms from Darwin to Sydney via Alice Springs, Uluru, and lots of other interesting places. I am planning on taking a few weeks, maybe a month or two if it gets interesting, to complete this journey - stopping off at places like Tennent Creek, Katherine, etc. etc. etc. I was thinking that many of my wealthy, and not so wealthy, friends might like to sponsor me per Klm for a minimum of 10c per klm ($450) up to $1 per klm ($4,500). The charity I have in mind is the Salvation Army, whom I have respected all my life....

Will have to organise the truck, and get all my worldly goods from Darwin packed in (might have to buy a trailer)...!! Planning on loads of photos which I will post on this blog......

To all my facebook friends, please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring me for a wonderful organisation..... (please).

Next post should be more specific about when I will be setting off..!! Could be two weeks, or two years..!! :-)