Monday, February 28, 2011

Well, things are hotting up here (not literally) but starting to really plan this trip. Brought golf clubs up with me (most important), and just bought sleeping bag, map (as if I need it), lamp, car fridge, mozzie and fly spray, and a bush chair.!!! All I really need other than a few clothes...!! Will be packing early next week and packing the car on Tuesday/Wednesday. If anyone knows anyone on route who could do with a visit from a strange, but sort of funny Irishman, let me know. iPhone all set up with Bluetooth, and music so I will be contactable most of the time. Will be blogging most evenings - bit of discipline will be good..!!!! Please donate to the cause, it would be truly appreciated...... Bye for now and will post again prior to my departure for Kakadu...!!!