Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let the fun begin soon....!!!!!


  1. the excitement is building, the day draws nigh. the bags are packed, the mail redirected, last dinners & goodbyes have gone behind, the new adventures of one plucky irish man from belfast await.

    good luck & fun on your trip my darling husband
    love debra.

  2. this is from Rob Chemali
    Go you good thing, watch out for the crocs, snakes, spiders, dingos, wombats, sharks,piranhas(wait your not in South America) that's just to mention the women, watch out for the animals as well, I hear they are big and bad.

    Have a safe journey home, see you soon!


  3. i can never imagine you going into anything unprepared so it might be a uneventful drive with great car, great driving conditions, lots of sleep and great food... but isnt it funny how life has a way with dealing with such strange notions... ever seen wolf creek.... lol...if you see a tree across the road at midnight, please reverse for about 30ks and get your gun
