Sunday, March 13, 2011

Well yesterday was washed out, so to speak. Couldn't even watch the cricket and have no idea of the scores..!! Mind you, having said that, I was having dinner last evening at the "resort", and I met a lovely couple - Tony and Michelle, who current live in Darwin. Talking to them was a joy - many thanks guys for your company and conversation - was truly lovely..!! (and, of course, for sharing the red wine - feel better this morning having shared it..!!). Today I am planning on getting into Katherine Gorge so you will know later today how successful I have been. To all those who have donated, so many thanks..!! To those who are going to donate, please do so as soon as possible as it will encourage others to do so. For those who are not going to donate, that's ok, I understand.... Address for donation: Cheers for now, and will report back later - been told to include some photos of me (no idea why, but will see how I go..!!!) Des

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