Monday, March 14, 2011

A temporary stop to the trip..!!

And the trip has come to a complete stop..!! BMW's can break down..!!! I am currently in Mangaranka, 200 Klms south of Katherine awaiting a tow truck to take me back to Katherine. The radiator tank reserve which feeds the radiator has cracked - so back to lovely Katherine for a more few days or rest and patience..!!!!! All good, you have got to expect these things...!! Will only post updates on the car - probably take a week or so to get fixed..!! Just got to love Katherine...!! :-)


  1. BMW breaking down thats unheard of. I hope you can get back on the road soon and Im sure katherine will be happy to see you again :)

  2. maybe you can get that kayaking trip & that golf game in katherine.. assuming it stops raining.

  3. Sean, so true, but even the best can fail occasionally, the good news is that I broke down in a town with mobile coverage rather than in the middle of the bush...!! :-)

  4. Debra, no kayaking in the wet season as salt water crocs come up into the gorges..!! Golf course still out of bounds, so to speak..!! hehe
